Thursday, January 17, 2013

I live!

While lying awake far too late last night (too much sugar from eating brownies? constant coughing from that cold I can't shake?), I decided I felt like writing again. My old blog, which I lost interest in over the last few years, didn't seem like the right place to start up again, so here I am! Why?
  1. Part of me feels a little stressed or guilty every time I write something that isn't my dissertation. But actually, any writing, however unrelated to my work, helps keep my brain in writing mode and makes the words come more easily when I do get around to the diss.
  2. I'm living in a place where I know almost no one and have few opportunities to make friends, so I'm feeling disconnected. I want to be better at reaching out and staying in touch with friends and family in a venue other than Facebook, which already knows too much about me and where I'm not comfortable addressing personal or controversial topics. (Yes, I realize I'm complaining about Facebook's creepiness on a Google-owned platform, but I'm choosing my battles. That's a post for another time.)
  3. I don't keep a journal, so it would be nice to have some record of what I'm up to and thinking about.
  4. For Peter's sake, I should have somewhere to talk through and share my thoughts. Because I spend most of my time alone, I talk his ear off when he's around. True story: Almost every night he'll finish his dinner before I'm even halfway done because I talk so much.
When I was a freshman in college, I named the first incarnation of my blog "Inane Ramblings of an Incurable Cynic" (although the title later cycled through cynical Vonnegut and Beckett references).  I expect Blog 2.0 will be less cynical, possibly still inane. I imagine I'll write a lot about the things I think a lot about: books, food, feminism, travel, politics. But we'll see. Come along if you'd like!

P.S. I hate thinking of blog titles and addresses, so as often happens, I've resorted to literary references for both. Bonus points if you recognize them without googling.


  1. Cool.... please accept my encouragement ! and maybe a comment now and then... love the images...

  2. Hooray! I started thinking of your old blog this weekend and was going to ask if you ever intended to start back up again, and then I forgot. Perhaps I have some psychic tendencies??

  3. This makes me so happy! I very much understand that feeling of spending lots of time alone and not having opportunities to meet people. I hope it means lots of blogging from you! (I think I only get one bonus point for the title.)

  4. I'm happy to see you writing a blog again. I have always enjoyed your posts and point of view. I hope we can see each other next time you're in town!

  5. Thanks, everyone!

    Courtney, re: psychic tendencies: I think the answer is yes, clearly.

    Megan: I'm not sure even google would help with the other one. It's a street name from Take Three Tenses, an obscure WWII novel I've been writing about.

  6. I don't think I knew about your first blog before you stopped writing on it, so I'm happy to get to know your blogger here.

  7. I miss your old blog so I'm excited that you have started a new one! It will be great to keep in touch with your life.
